Seeing as how the baddies only really come out at night, I thought a good idea would be to make my 'base' in the sky! And what better than a Wookie Tree fort?! Well, mMy wookie fort in the sky was well under way. I had all the
essentials up there. Sure, I was still expanding the wookie
tree-islands, but the main fort was done. I had a sweet entrance
through a giant tree and a staircase from the ground up to a side door, but it was missing something. I know, a fireplace! I found that in multiplayer mode, if
you catch a log on fire from above it will burn forever, and emit a
nice soothing crackle sound. Torches are silent. So I decided to
construct a fireplace. Seeing as how my wookie fort was made
_ENTIRELY_ out of wood this might not seem like a good idea at first -
but I had it all planned out. I lugged a dozen or so stone blocks up
to the top of wookie fort and built a nice safe wookie fireplace. The
fire would have to climb over a block of stone to reach the wood.
Stone isn't flammable so I should be good.
After the fireplace was done, I put a log in the middle. Before
lighting it, I decided to trim back the leaves on a few nearby trees -
just to be safe. And woosh, with the flick of some flint and steel,
the fire was roaring. But wait, what's this? The tree limb ... it's
on fire ... panic!! I start swinging franticly with the ax at the
tree limbs, but it keeps spreading! More fire - more limb hacking.
Oh no...It's spread to the wooden deck. GAAH!! MY HOUSE!!! In a
moment of desparation I run to the backside of the house, and start
hacking at the deck behind it to prevent the spread to the wookie
forest I planted. I got a 2 block gap in the deck now - that should
save most everything...Oh no, it hasn't saved ANYTHING. The fire was
able to make a jump longer than that to get to the first leaves. Yep
it spread across.

a GIANT WOODEN TREE!!! Let me run down and cut that in half
before....uh oh. Justin's gonna be pissed.
In short, everything burned down and spread to everything else which then burned down. It's a pretty fun game, but my next fireplace will be much larger and safer :-)